Over the years, the firm has provided legal representation to its clients in numerous and important proceedings, some of which have ended in a judgment.
The following are the most notable ones:
1. ALA 8268/96, Reichert v. Shemesh, PD 55 (5) 276 (class action, securities and companies).
2. Civ.App. 5359/92, Schechter v. The Director of Land Appreciation Tax - Center, PD 50 (1) 651 (land appreciation tax) - a precedent laying down a more lenient method for computing the deduction of appreciation tax expenses on the construction of a new building on vacant land (the "Vera Schechter ruling").
3. CF (Tel Aviv) 1210/96, Adv. Grans David & Others v. Nevatim Construction Co. Ltd & Others, District Laws 34 (1) 983 (an attorney's entitlement to the agreed professional fee where he is dismissed by the client at the height of a real estate project that he is handling).
4. HCJ 720/82, Elitzur Religious Sporting Association - Nahariya Branch v. Nahariya Municipality & Others, PD 37 (3) 17 (the doctrine of equality and affirmative action in administrative law).
5. ALA 3614/97, Avi Yitzhak, Adv. & Others v. Israel Television News Company Ltd & Others, PD 53 (1) 26 (prohibition of the publication of court proceedings in defamation claims).
6. Civ.App. 445/87, Haspaka, Hevra Merkazit Le'chaklayim Ltd (in liquidation) v. Amit Kupa Le'pensiya Ve'tagmulim Ltd & Others, PD 44 (1) 720 (the status of employees' severance monies on a company's liquidation).
7. Civ.App. 4316/90, Haspaka, Hevra Merkazit Le'chaklayim Ltd (in liquidation) v. Agra-Even Yehuda Agricultural Cooperative Society Ltd, PD 49 (2) 133 (the right of set-off on bankruptcy).
8. HCJ 5439/98, Ha'aretz Daily Newspaper Ltd v. Second Television and Radio Authority & Others, PD 53 (5) 224 (the duty to grant compensation in respect of the Second Television and Radio Authority Law).
9. ALA 254/88, Kibbutz Kadarim v. Morad & Others, PD 42 (3) 74 (stay of proceedings by reason of a duty to refer to arbitration).
10. MCA 151/81, Bodner & Others v. Zuckerberg & Others, PD 35 (3) 676 (civil hearing - "special reason" for extending deadlines).
11. ALA 3254/96, Schocken Group Ltd & Others v. Israel Land Development Company Ltd & Others, PD 51 (1) 49 (journalistic privilege in a defamation claim).
12. Civ.App. 4791/92, Hanoch Farber & Others v. Bernard Rosineck (in the Supreme Court - company law - signatory rights in a company - the legality of a resolution inconsistent with an agreement and defects in holding a general meeting).
13. OM (Tel Aviv) 1233/06, Yaakov Leibowitz & Others v. Israel Football Association & Others[not yet published] (sports and administrative law - the locus standi of sports team fans in relation to their teams).
14. Civ.App. (Tel Aviv) 25/87, First International Bank Ltd v. Bertha Friedman, PM 5748 (1) 482 (civil procedure - a precedent-setting decision, in which an order was given staying departure from the country against a litigant, even though he was not in the country).
15. CF (Haifa) 9416/04, Shmueli Asher & Others v. Sabbag Jackie & Others [Published in "Nevo"] (defamation - the defence of "I spoke the truth" in respect of an exact quote on matters of a public nature).
16. CF (Haifa) 9048/02, Moshe Zamush v. The New Kolbo Ltd [Published in "Nevo"] (defamation - the element of reasonableness in the various good faith defences).
17. CF (Netanya) 13390/01, Arviv Yosef & Others v. Herzl Keren & Others [Published in "Nevo"] (defamation - the scope of a journalist's duty to carry out an examination before publication as the basis for the defence of good faith).
18. Civ.App. (Supreme) 7206/06, Achuzat Aldi Ltd v. Si-Bar Ltd; OM (Tel Aviv 217/06, Si-Bar Ltd v. Achuzat Aldi Ltd [Published in "Nevo"] (the interpretation of a contract and fundamental breach).
19. Civ.App. (Beer-Sheva) 439/05 Shimon Beeri v. Haaretz Daily Nespaper Ltd. [Published in "Nevo"] (Representative action - Consume policy)
20. Admin. Petition (Jerusalem) 6097-09-11 Zalman Barashi & Bro Ltd. v. Ministry of Construction & Housing, Bardarian Brothers Ltd. & others [Published in "Nevo"] (Tenders law)
21. CF (Tel Aviv) Liora Glat-Berkovic v. Baruch Kra & others [Published in "Nevo"] (Confidentiality of Journalist's Sources)
22. CF (Center) Erez Araji v. Zion Ozeri & others [Published in "Nevo"] (The Identity of the copyright owner in photograph creation)
23. CF (Tel Aviv) Noa Lavi & others v. Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. [Published in "Nevo"] (Fair use un screenshot publication from network video)
24. CF (Rehovot) 22529-08-19 Dror Sadan Vs. RESHET Channel 13 & Matan Hodorov [Published in "Nevo", 20.11.2019] (Domestic jurisdiction in lawsuits dealing with On-line publications of TV channels).
25. CrimA 1682/21 Reshet Media Ltd. et al V. Benjamin Netanyahu et al [Published in “Nevo”, April 25th 2021] (Permission to publish video segments from the police investigation of the prime minister’s late former advisor).
26. CF (Tel Aviv) 2696-20-29 Rotter.Net Ltd. v. Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. [Published in "Nevo"] (Copyright - contributory and indirect infringement of the right to make the work available to the public and to reproduce it)
27. CF (Bat Yam) 2365-10-19 Jason Donelly v. Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. [Published in "Nevo"] (Copyright – fair use of paparazzi photography for journalistic reporting purposes)
28. CF (Tel Aviv) 63319-07-22 Yehuda Peretz v. Aviad Glickman [Published in "Nevo"] (Defamation – the meaning of the subject's response when asked to comment before the broadcast of the journalistic work)
29. CF (Tel Aviv) 59951-01-22 Hofstein v. Politically Correct, Reshet Media Ltd. & others [Published in "Nevo"] (Defamation – the scope of a media system's discretion in covering an interviewee's statements on sexual harassment, the liability of a journalist posting on social media)